Restorative Yoga

Barbi is a 500 hour certified yoga instructor. It is her goal to increase awareness and widespread adoption of yoga by making it accessible to everyone, through a variety of yoga styles. Barbi believes yoga is for anyone, wherever they are in their journey, from beginner to advanced.

Barbi anchors her classes in “Ahimsa”, which is compassionate awareness and love for all things, including, and especially, ourselves. It’s about cultivating more clarity, compassion and grace into our lives. Her mantra is “Be strong and stay soft.” She is committed to honoring and respecting life and sharing her learnings with others. She champions yoga as a way of life, a sacred place for exploration, self-discovery and growth.

Barbi’s journey has been one of discovery and delight in which she deepened her personal practice and found the teacher within. She chose gentle Hatha yoga because it means freedom — freedom of movement; freedom to find one’s voice and be present without judgment. The focus of Barbi’s teaching is to empower others to experience this freedom — to leave the ego outside the studio and be true to one’s spirit, starting with this moment.

Integrating a practice of love and self-care into her classes is a primary focus, as Barbi encourages students to experience the poses from the inside out, at their own pace. She is committed to honoring and respecting life and sharing her learnings with others.